Letterkenny & Milford GO Team
22 - 28 June

County Donegal is a relatively short car journey from Northern Ireland and yet the difference is striking: while many towns and villages in Northern Ireland have more than one church where the gospel is preached, many in Donegal are far from any bible believing church at all.

The Letterkenny & Milford congregations invite you to come and join with them this June. This GO Team has several goals: to help the two congregations reach out into the communities around them, to encourage those who are serving faithfully in small churches, and to invest in the covenant children that God has blessed the two congregations with.

Along the way you will learn more about the work of church planting in the Republic of Ireland as well as how God has been working in the lives of people from a variety of different nations, backgrounds, and cultures.

Main activities

Community Outreach
Youth Work